Sonus Modular is a collection of modules for the open source modular synthesizer emulation VCV Rack.
Sonus Modular currently features 28 modules:
- Addiction: additive oscillator
- Bitter: bit manipulator
- Bymidside: MS (mid-side) encoder
- Campione: live sampler
- Chainsaw: fat sawish oscillator
- Ctrl: customizable knob controller
- Deathcrush: distorsion and bitcrusher
- Fluidmix: continuous linear input selector
- Fraction: a VCO based on a nice math function
- Harmony: chord generator
- Ladrone: drone oscillator
- Luppolo: simple looper
- Luppolo3: three track loop station
- Micromacro: step sequencer with support for microtunings
- Mr. Cheb: waveshaper based on Čebyšëv polynomials
- Multimulti: a simple but handy double 2-in 8-out multiples
- Neurosc: a VCO based on a neural network trained on thousands of wavetables
- Oktagon: quad-quad sine LFO/oscillator
- Osculum: a VCO capable of harmonic but unusual sounds
- Paramath: signals comparing and math utils
- Piconoise: an ultra compact white noise generator with 8 outputs
- Pain in the Haas: stereoizer based on Haas effect
- Pusher: four button controller
- Ringo: ring modulator
- Scramblase: triple quadruple waveshaper
- Tropicana: trop(x[n]) – tropical additive synthesis
- Twoff: double CV static offset
- Yabp: blank panel
The code is released under GPLv3 open source license, and binaries for Windows, Linux and OSX are provided.
You can download Sonus Modular directly within VCV Rack Plugin Manager!
The latest source code can be obtained with:
git clone